Waking up on 11/11

If you get out of your way, there will come the day, that you step into your purpose

Jess Mahogany

She told herself she was a boss, and on every level she felt as such, until she started looking at the numbers. Then she knew. Then she changed. Then she woke up.

It was 7:28 AM    –   11/11 (that date though!)

If you know anything about numerology, then I was pleased that I woke up to the number of my life path. Along with that date, you may as well change my name to WINNER. Talk that talk spirit guides!

It is SO HARD for me to wake up in the mornings.  I have never considered myself a morning person. I joke that I was born in the afternoon and was still asleep (although it’s not really a joke since, it’s true).  I was a breech baby meaning I never turned to come out head first as the “normal” cycle of pregnancy and child birth indicates.  This is probably because I was sleeping most of the time.

I had stints of waking up early and doing things like, going to the gym or sipping coffee on the couch whilst writing poetry (You just HAVE to say it like that to paint the picture of sophistication…or something, right?). 

But these periods never lasted.  I was also focusing on plan B in life, to set myself up in case other aspirations did not work out, and consequently I did not give the necessary time to plan A.  Sound familiar to anyone else?

That seems so silly in hindsight, as I now see that anything we give the focus to, we will bring to fruition.  

I could have focused just as much on my plan A and achieved it just as I did with plan B; The plan that brought me security and safety and a sense or normalcy.  This was the plan that was supposed to fund plan A, but took away the precious time and opportunity to actual give to plan A.  And this plan, plan B, never made me excited to wake up early. But I kept doing it.

Make the decision to do something you haven’t done before. Dare to try!

It seems I am not opposed to waking up early, so long as I am inspired, motivated, and excited by what the day will bring.  That excitement came with focusing on plan A. That is what made me wake up on a Sunday well before time for me to get up on my regular work day.


You might ask, why is waking up early important?  Well, there are a few reasons many could argue, and I actually do not cater to most of them. For me, it is the symbolism.  It is the ease at which I am able to create the time for something that gives me purpose, because there is no fight in me to wake up and turn  my attention to my business.

Because I did not take advantage of younger years, living with mom and no real responsibilities, I now have to carve out time to fulfill my dreams while working that plan B (and fulfilling someone else’s dream – deep eye roll).  But that is OK.  It has to be so I can get over that and get on to doing what I need to do to change that.

And that is tending to my needs, my dreams, my goals, and making the time to do so.  Starting my day with my passion will help power the day of working someone else’s, because now the purpose has shifted internally for me.

Your challenge today is to try that as well. Pick a time, anytime, and tend to YOUR business. That might be getting a certain space together, forming a business plan, or even turning on that workout video. Whatever you have been promising yourself, THAT IS YOUR BUSINESS!

Many of the rich will tell you to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, and although being rich is not the primary aim (I think it’s most peoples aim at least a little bit, lol), I do want to live my passion and use my gifts as God intended.


Life is not just about surviving. I refuse to believe that.

The barriers I face to pursuing the primary dreams I have lie primarily in my thoughts around age, worthiness, and confidence.  But the thing about my plan A is that it is a platform to allow me to work on these things while helping others who seek to work on them as well. This platform is about really bossing up through healing, teaching, releasing, and living the life YOU DESIGN FOR YOURSELF.

I believe through the ups and downs there is gold, beauty, and poetry in life, and as a therapist I also believe there is healing and strength to be found in every chapter.

This first post is the start of a new chapter and what I am sure will be a highlight of my life. It is the epitome of finally walking the walk, and not just talking the talk. It is the recorded and very public promise to myself to show up in every way I once desired. And as a part of this journey, I aim to help you do the same. Win, Lose,or Draw – Game on!

That’s worth getting up for!

What do you think would be worth getting up for in your life? Let me know, as well as your barriers, and we can address them here, together!

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