The Benefit of the Loss| Ready for the gain?

Welcome back to the blog section. Today I wanted to bring you the video I recently uploaded where I BRIEFLY discussed one possible benefit of loss. Check out the video above or, you can read it below. If you have questions you would like me to address please, don’t hesitate. For more of my YouTube videos click here!

Today we’re talking about the benefit in the loss of something, or – someone; let’s get into it.

It’s hard losing things or more importantly, people. 

We have a hard time getting over our attachments and that is the case for many reasons including guilt and grief. For many, loss triggers the feelings of failure or incompetence, even rejection.

But there is something to be remembered about loss. As a person of faith who has been working on the acts to produce the results I claim to desire, it’s helpful to understand that it, loss, is a key component of progress and manifestation.

See, we have to have room for what we seek to bring into our lives and, more often than not that means we have to let something…or someone…or a few someone’s go, to make space where it needs to be made to accommodate that which you have asked for. 

You cant receive something new if you have your hands full with what no longer belongs to you. There is a limit to how much baggage you can take on the next leg of your journey.

Baggage can be anything

…including people who stress more than elevate – who expect you to be someone you are not – who will not let you step freely into the new you for whatever reason. 

Maybe, they only want you around as a certain version of yourself and when you can no longer be there, they remove themselves. Please, understand this is part of your manifestation and do yourself the favor or letting them go.If someone says they dont want to deal with you – grant them their wish and make room for those who want ALL of you. Trust me child, they out there.

She didn’t know why it had to be this way.

she just knew that it was.

manifestations often behave this way,

proving no need for another, because…

Jess Mahogany

So yes, Mourn your loss. Place your memories in a safe place and be grateful for the lesson. Then look out for the blessing its absence is allowing. 

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